MODX Evolution 1.0.9 Restarts the Little Engine that Could

Today we released MODX Evolution 1.0.9. This is the first release prepared by the new Evolution project team who are working to bring life back into Evo. This release, makes Evo compatible with PHP 5.4, improves security and offers many improvements accross the board. We strongly recommend you upgrade to Evo 1.0.9.

By Jay Gilmore  |  March 19, 2013  |  2 min read
MODX Evolution 1.0.9 Restarts the Little Engine that Could

Today we released MODX Evolution 1.0.9. This is the first release prepared by the new Evolution project team who are working to bring life back into Evo. As you're probably aware, releases in the last year have been almost exclusively for security patches.

Update: There was a bug found in 1.0.9 that will cause problems on installations running PHP3 and below. The fix can be found in this forum post. MODX Evolution 1.0.10 will be out in the next week.

This release, however, restarts our Little Engine That Could. Evo 1.0.9 is now compatible with PHP 5.4, has improved security and offers many fixes and enhancements across the board.

We wish to express our sincerest thanks and gratitude to the group of MODX Ambassadors who have stepped in as project leaders for MODX Evolution: Dmytro Lukianenko (Dmi3yy), Mansori Yamamato (yama), Thomas Jakobi (jako) and Yevgeny Borisov (Agel_Nash). They deserve applause; and, if you see them, a tasty beverage.

We’d also like to thank all the individuals who took the time to report issues and contributed to this release—huge apologies if we overlooked anyone! They include Paprikas, Vevusik, netprophet, segr, ncrossland, kp52, mithrandir, ottogal, marturion, noahlearner, devtrench, pbowyer, adamboota, tonatos, andchir, uxello, sottwell, everettg_99, david55, multimedia, manu37, temus, breezer, eoler, and a-sharapov.

Due to a number of important security fixes and the new compatibility for PHP 5.4 we strongly encourage all MODX Evolution users to upgrade to 1.0.9.

Here are the highlights of the Evo 1.0.9 release:

  • PHP 5.4 compatibility
  • Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.5.8
  • Added new "If" snippet for simple conditionals, similar to the MODX Revolution add-on of the same name.
  • Fixes to ManagerManager
  • For more details read the complete changelog

A special note for MODXers hosted at 1&1 Hosting. According to reports, they will be completely switching all servers to PHP 5.4 as of April 1, 2013. In order for your MODX site to continue to operate, you should consider upgrading today.

Here are the important links to get you on your way:

MODX is only as good as it is because of many individual community members and users that take the time to report issues and request new features. Make sure you read the documentation, post feedback and share your successes in the MODX community forums.

On behalf of the entire MODX Team,