Evolution 1.0.12 Released

Today MODX Evolution 1.0.12 steps into the world. This is the third release from the Ambassador-led Evolution team. Note: version 1.0.11 was bridged and will not be released.

By Jay Gilmore  |  September 13, 2013  |  2 min read
Evolution 1.0.12 Released

Through community-led efforts, MODX Evolution continues to, er...evolve. This is the third release from the Ambassador-led Evolution team. Note: version 1.0.11 was bridged and will not be released.

Evo 1.0.12 closes 124 issues, including 22 new features, 67 refactors, bugfixes and security enhancements, not the least of which is the ability to customize the Manager URL.

This is truly a great achievement by the MODX Ambassadors who lead the Evolution project, including: Dmytro Lukianenko (Dmi3yy) and Mansori Yamamato (yama).

We’d also like to thank all the individuals who took the time to report issues and contributed to this release—please accept our apologies if we overlooked anyone. Thank you to: Akool, Agel_Nash, fourroses, Jako and others.

We strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version of Evolution to keep your MODX sites safe and at their best performance. If you need someone to help you with your MODX Evolution upgrade, check out our MODX Professionals Directory.

Here are the highlights of the 1.0.12 release:

  • Ability to change folder MANAGER ( rename the folder and define the path in assets/cache/siteManager.php)
  • Replacement MCPUK on KCFinder
  • Added the ability to send messages via SMTP
  • Added a snippet Phpthumb
  • Added the ability to save cache with the $_GET ( optional)
  • Added ability SEO Strict URL in the nucleus ( optional)
  • Added and set a new default theme MODxRE
  • Added the ability to exclude a parent document from a URL
  • Removed all queries mysql now all over DBAPI ( next step MySqli and PDO to choose from)
  • Notification about errors on the mail run a network
  • Adding new features:
    $modx-> getIdFromAlias ()
    $modx-> db-> optimize ()
    $modx-> sendmail ()
  • New events for plug-ins :


p>Download Evolution 1.0.12 now.