Three significant updates hit MODX Cloud over the last few weeks. While we've continued working behind the scenes on the billing platform to support add-ons for plans and Cloud instances later this year, other areas have seen more visible progress.
Update: There is another update that fell close on the heals of this one announcing the MODX Cloud Public Roadmap. You should check it out, too.
Most notably, Frankfurt was the clear winner when we polled customers about where they wanted new MODX Cloud platforms. If you’re a customer that has been with MODX Cloud for a while, contact us to get access the FRA servers—we’d love to help you update your plan, so Sie sprechen Deutsch können. If you’ve signed up more recently, you should see the FRA data center as an option when creating a new Cloud.
In addition, all users can now restore backups to any Cloud instance. This is useful if you need to grab a file from a few days ago that accidentally was deleted, but you’ve made changes to the live site since then you’d rather not lose.
Finally, the Vault space usage report has returned to the Dashboard. You can now see how much space you're using for Snapshots and Backups. It appears at the top of the Vault page. One of the first plan upgrades we’ll offer is extra storage space, so there's no need to worry about exceeding their plan limits.
Other noteworthy updates include:
- Improved documentation including additional nginx web rules examples to lock down Manager access to specific IP addresses (ex. 5), use free testing certificates to always access the Manager via SSL (ex. 6) and to further optimize performance of your sites (ex. 4).
<li>Updates to the latest PHP 5.6.x version, and added <a href="">MODX Revolution 2.4</a> as the default version in Cloud alongside its previous latest 2.3.x patch release. Keeping your sites and platform secure and working optimally is a major priority for us in MODX Cloud, and these types of updates always receive the appropriate attention.</li>
<li>If you're referring friends and clients to MODX Cloud, we've made improvements to the overall signup and trial process, especially under the hood ahead of some new functionality that will roll out later this year.</li>
<li>Under the hood billing system updates, including easier ways for customers to easily switch to newer plans (coming soon). </li>
<li>Dashboard improvements to make it faster for users. </li>
What’s Next
When we asked MODX Cloud users where they’d like to see MODX Cloud next, Frankfurt was first in line. Up next is London, which we also look forward to bringing online.
We’re also planning to streamline the plans, with added features and options, as we migrate everyone off the legacy billing platform. We also have a few other tricks up our sleeve we hope you will like.
Stay Tuned for More
Keep an eye here over the coming weeks—we can’t wait to share exciting updates to make MODX Cloud better for you and for your customers.