Backups of your websites are critical—you will eventually need them. Even today too many hosts still don’t backup by default, or they only grab the files and leave your database out of the picture. Likewise, many hosts’ backups are difficult or slow to access, requiring help from support.
If something goes wrong, it can be costly and stressful. Or worse…
MODX Cloud launched years ago with automatic, offsite backups stored on redundant disks, on a rolling 7-day basis. You can also create manual backups any time that are only culled when you manually delete them. Anyone with Dashboard access can restore from backups without needing to open a support ticket. It’s the way backups should be.
But we had requests for more control over the schedules so MODX Cloud users can keep within their plan storage limits. Today we’re happy to announce you can adjust the backup retention schedule for each Cloud instance. Set them to as low as a single nightly backup, or increase them to up to 30-days of retention on a rolling basis. We won’t let you disable backups completely. ;)
Adjusting the backup schedule is simple. Click on the name of the Cloud from the Clouds view, click the Backups tab, and move the slider. Saving is automatic and the schedule will be adjusted for the next round of backups later that night.
To learn more in the Backups in MODX Cloud section of the User Guide. We hope you enjoy this requested enhancement in MODX Cloud.