MODX Field Notes: Fall 2024

A curated collection of MODX extras, updates, and tools from developer Jens Wittmann

By Jens Wittmann  |  November 6, 2024  |  4 min read
MODX Field Notes: Fall 2024

This week is a special entry into the MODX Blog by guest author and long-time MODX community member, Jens Wittmann. He's pulled together some of his recent finds and other things he's come across while working on projects and participating in the community. Enjoy Jens' Field Notes.

Over the course of the summer, I have found some Extras or got a hint in the MODX forum. Since it is a bit difficult to know what’s going on in the MODX community, I’ve gathered those notes for you below.


  • ExtraFields — Additional fields in the resource and user profile.
  • PageBlocks — PageBlocks is the easiest and fastest way to create blocks on MODX cms. PageBlocks for MODX enables the creation of multilingual blocks, providing information in different languages for users from various countries.
  • Quiz — quizzes for MODX.
  • JoliTypo — Microtypography as Output Filter in MODX.
  • MODX resizeImage — Snippet for resizing Images in MODX. Generates WebP, output srcset and aspect ratio for better web vitals, can use binary libs like convert (Imagine workaround on IONOS) and ffmpeg (for Videothumbnails) and output as base64 for Lazyloading placeholders.
  • BabelTranslate — BabelTranslate helps you automatically translate your content with a translation service, currently supporting DeepL Free and Pro. It translates the content of a MODX resource with a button from a linked Babel resource.
  • Cursus — Cursus is an extension to Agenda that lets you take bookings for events, either alongside FormIt or Commerce if you’d like to take payments online.
  • SiteDash — SiteDash checks all of your MODX sites 4 times a day for security issues, out-of-date extras, error logs growing out of control, crashed tables, and more. SiteDash notifies you about what you really need to know immediately, gives you powerful remote management features, and presents it all in a user (and mobile) friendly dashboard.
  • MODX-Gitify-Preset — Preset for a clean MODX Installation with Gitify and a large .gitify template.
  • MMX Database — Eloquent for MODX.



Here are a couple of items that could use some help from MODX community members who might want to help make Revo better.

  • MODX Manager Accessibility — The MODX Manager is based on ExtJS and is not accessible for keyboard navigation and screen readers. The manager should therefore also be accessible to the employees of a company who maintain the website.
  • Test MODX — The next versions 2.8.8, 3.0.6 and 3.1 are in the works. If you can, test them and give feedback.

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Support MODX via open collective or donate to the open source Extras from modmore like Magic Preview.

Do You Have Any MODX Field Notes to Share?

Message Jens via Slack or MODX Forum.

Jens Wittmann is an accessibility and sustainability developer from Leipzig, Germany. He has been a MODX enthusiast since 2006 and publishes his daily learnings as CurlyFramework and also maintains the JoliTypo Extra.